Everyone is talking about sustainability. But what exactly does sustainable entrepreneurship mean? And what significance does sustainability have in the HACO Group?

Our contribution to a more livable world
Sustainability has a long tradition at the HACO Group. We understand entrepreneurial action as sustainable per se and consider ecological and social issues in our strategy as a matter of course.
Sustainability means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This is the definition of the United Nations, which has formulated 17 goals for sustainable development.
The HACO Group takes its corporate social responsibility seriously and is unconditionally oriented towards these goals. This applies to all our companies, but also to our suppliers. We act responsibly and use our size, our capabilities and our knowledge to contribute to a sustainably fairer, more viable and thus more livable world.
Global plan to promote peace and prosperity
The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - this is a brief explanation - are a global plan to promote sustainable peace and prosperity. It is about fighting poverty and reducing inequalities, with a particular focus on the needs and priorities of the most vulnerable populations and countries.
How can the goals be achieved?
The goals cover the environment, social issues and ecology, and all issues must be considered equally. The United Nations writes: "Only if no one is left behind can the 17 goals be achieved."
Sustainability topics
The sustainability principles of the HACO Group are based on these 17 goals - and are divided with a focus on four areas: Ethics, Environment, Labor and Human Rights, and Sustainable Procurement.