Sustainable procurement
The HACO Group is committed to a fairer and more humane world - and we expect the same from our suppliers.
Our partners
We can only achieve sustainability if we also hold our partners in the supply chains accountable. We expect them to comply with the same norms and standards that we follow. They should carry out their activities in such a way that the impact on natural resources is as inconsequential as possible.
Our purchases
In infrastructure and construction investments, we strive for sustainable procurement processes; in purchasing, we prefer raw materials from the region whenever possible.
Relevance in the supply chain
Through EcoVadis assessment and derived actions, we support the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Our Supplier Code of Conduct is based on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and is binding for all suppliers who have business relations with the companies belonging to the HACO Group.
PDF Supplier Code of Conduct HACO Group
And now?

By 2024, our top suppliers will be included in the EcoVadis assessment.