Electricity and Heat from Food Production Waste
During each production, efforts are great to increase efficiency, reduce ejection and keep food waste as low as possible. Concepts and plans are created to minimize losses and find optimal solutions. In the course of this, the team at Gutschermühle decided to supply the resulting food waste to a biogas plant and use it to produce electricity.
Using instead of wasting. How biomass is another way to generate green energy.
In the biogas plant, the waste made a valuable contribution to solving the energy crisis, as it can be converted into combustible biogases. From these, electricity and heat are subsequently generated. For example, one ton of biogenic waste can be turned into up to 170 cubic meters of biogas - which means that more than 100,000 kWh of electricity can be generated over the course of a year. In addition, the combustion heat can be used in the vicinity of the gas plant in businesses and households, thus saving expensive natural gas. The project leaders were happy with the conversion of the waste into green energy: "It's like a cycle of resource utilization even beyond the actual purpose."

Patrick Mitmasser, Sustainability Manager
